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Santa Rosa Junior College.

​A Standing Committee

An Academic Senate Consultation Committee

​​​Committee Chair​

​​Academic administrator co-chair appointed by the VPAA
Faculty co-chair appointed by the Academic Senate President

​​Meeting Schedule

Twice per month (day/time tbd)

​Committee Function

The Class Size Advisory Committee is a Standing Committee and an advisory Academic Senate Consultation Committee to the Curriculum Review Committee. Its purpose is to create a process that is mutually agreeable to the Academic Senate President and the Vice President of Academic Affairs for determining and reviewing maximum class size limits per the District /AFA contract. This committee will recommend maximum class size limits for courses to the Curriculum Review Committee, using mutually agreeable pedagogical parameters. This limit will be reasonable and equitable with respect to the resulting instructor workload as well as the financial constraints of the District.​​

Committee Structure

​3 Academic Administrators (appointed by the VPAA)
3 Faculty (appointed by the Academic Senate)

Membership Total: 6

​​Committee Roster

​Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
Kris Abrahamson (co-chair) ​A Anthony Graziani ​F
​Ron Myers ​A ​Donal Laird ​F
Anna Szabados A Eric Thompson (co-chair) F

​Committee Roster Legend​

Type​ ​Description
A​ Administration
F​ Faculty
C Classified
S Student
P​ Public

​​Committee Agendas

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Committee Minutes

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Other Committee Documents​

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