Santa Rosa Junior College

​A Standing Committee 

​​Meeting Schedule​

​​1st and 3rd Thursday each month, 3:15-5:00pm

​​Committee Chair

​ (Elected by Membership)

​​​Committee Function​

​The College Council is the highest policy recommending body in the District. The Council must involve and utilize the opinion of all constituent groups. Given the Council's position in the governance structure, the specific areas of responsibility can be delineated as follows:

  1. College Council is responsible for the review and supervision of all District committee systems.

  2. The Council serves as the final "review" body for all policy recommendations emanating from District committees.

  3. The Council remains the highest policy articulation group for the District, and therefore must insure that all District constituencies have had adequate participation in the formation of policy issues.

  4. College Council will review District plans with an eye to identifying aspects of the plans that have implications for policy, procedures and/or committee charges. The purpose of this review will be to ensure that appropriate conversations have taken place between initiators/authors of the plans and the constituent group(s) or District personnel responsible for the policy, procedure and/or committee charges.

Ad hoc study groups or task forces, with appropriate constituent participation, may be formed by College Council when topics fall outside the range of the existing committee structure or involve multiple constituent groups.

Sonoma County Junior College District Policy Manual​​

​Committee Structure

​4 Administrators

4 Faculty (1-AFA; 3-Senate)

2 Classified (1-SEIU President or designee; 1-Classified Senate President or designee)

2 Students


Membership Total: 12

​​Committee Roster​​

​Name​​ ​Type ​Name ​Type

Angelica Garcia


Laura Aspinall 


Molly Senecal


Anne Donegan


Robert Holcomb


​Linda Jay


Kate Jolley


Sandy Sigala​​


Nick Perrone


Ruben Garcia


John Stover​


Anne Donnelly


  * Tri-chair

 Permanent Member by Position:

  • Vice President, Academic Affairs

  • Vice President, Student Services

  • President, Academic Senate (or designee)

  • President, AFA

  • President, Classified Senate (or designee)

  • President, SEIU (or designee)

Other members shall serve two-year terms.

​​Committee Notes​

​​​​Committee Minutes