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Santa Rosa Junior College

District Facilities Advisory Committee

​Meeting Schedule

3rd Tuesday each month

1:00 - 2:300 p.m.

​Committee Chair

Kate Jolley

​Committee Function

The DFAC advises the District on matters relating to campus parking plans and issues, facilities related risk management, and the development and implementation of the Facilities Master Plan and other facilities-related projects and works to provide a sustainable, safe, and effective working and learning environment for everyone.

1. Act as a clearinghouse for individual employee facilities related suggestions.
2. Provide informed recommendations to the District for the need, rationale and functions of new construction, rehabilitation or remodeling of District educational and support facilities, and the protection of our architectural heritage.
3. Monitor and provide input to facility related district-wide policies and projects to assure implementation of green practices and principles and to ensure the prevention of future barriers which would impede access to any of the District’s facilities.
4. Oversee regular assessments of access to District facilities for the ADA and Section 508 Transition Plans and compliance with other laws and regulations. Address internal and external facility issues and needs while promoting Universal Design principles.
5. Review, evaluate and make recommendations on the District's five-year capital outlay program, deferred maintenance program and other general project plans.
6. Review and prioritize the minor facilities request submissions from the PRPP.
7. Review existing, and explore ways to minimize, parking problems.
8. Facilitate and review the Facilities Master Planning process, as needed.
9. Make recommendations to ensure compliance with ACCJC standard 3B: Physical Resources.
10. Promote the landscape and external appearance of the District.
11. Address sustainability and conservation options applicable to facilities.​

​Committee Structure

​8 Administrators
5 Classified (2 appointed by SEIU, 3 appointed by Classified Senate (1 from the Disability Resources Department)
5 Faculty (2 appointed by AFA,  3 appointed by Academic Senate (1 from the Disability Resources Department)
2 Student​

May select ex-officio representative from Petaluma and Public Safety

Membership Total: 13

​Committee Roster

​Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
​Kate Jolley


K Frindell Teuscher


Hank Lankford


Tara Jacobson


Stephanie Jarrett


Peter Levelle


Javier Rodriguez Aguilera​


Canon Crawford


Robert Brownlee


Tina Rosenberg 


Benjamin Goldstein


Sarah Martin


David Liebman


​​Cheri Winter


Theresa Richmond​
​Jason Kostic

​Vacant (AFA)
​Stephanie Avellaneda 





*Permanent Member by Position:



​Committee Roster Legend

Type​ ​Description
A Administration​​
F Faculty


A Student
P Public​

​Committee Agendas

DFAC Agenda 11.19.24.pdfDFAC Agenda 11.19.2411/19/2024
DFAC Agenda 10.15.24.pdfDFAC Agenda 10.15.2410/15/2024
DFAC Agenda 9.17.24.pdfDFAC Agenda 9.17.249/17/2024
DFAC Agenda 4.16.24.pdfDFAC Agenda 4.16.244/16/2024
DFAC Agenda 2.20.24.pdfDFAC Agenda 2.20.242/20/2024

​Committee Minutes

DFAC Minutes 10.15.24.pdfDFAC Minutes 10.15.2410/15/2024
DFAC Minutes 9.17.24.pdfDFAC Minutes 9.17.249/17/2024
DFAC Minutes 4.16.24.pdfDFAC Minutes 4.16.244/16/2024
DFAC Minutes 2.20.24.pdfDFAC Minutes 2.20.242/20/2024

​Other Committee Documents

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