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Doyle library at Santa Rosa Junior College.

Advisory to the Educational Planning and Coordinating Council

​​Committee Chair​

Administrative Chair appointed by the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Faculty Co-Chair appointed by the President of the Academic Senate

​​​Meeting Schedule

​​2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month, 3:15 to 4:45 p.m.

Committee Function​​​​

​The Majors and Certificates Review Committee fulfills the following functions:

  1. Reviews all major and certificate applications of 12 units or more that will be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office for approval.
  2. Work with the department and the faculty submitter(s) to assure that all applications meet Chancellor’s Office guidelines and any additional guidelines established by Santa Rosa Junior College.
  3. Recommends that the Education Planning and Coordinating Committee forward to the Curriculum Review Committee those majors that are ready to be submitted for Chancellor's approval.
  4. Makes recommendations regarding policies or procedures to improve the major or certificate development or review processes.

Important note:  Per Board Policy 3.2.2 and Procedure 3.2.2P, the Academic Affairs Council and the Education Planning and Coordinating Committee recommend to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs whether or not a major aligns with District mission, responds to community needs, shows evidence of financial feasibility, avoids negative competition with other certificates and majors, and reflects appropriate business and industry partnerships. The decision to move ahead to develop a major is made by the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, not the Majors and Certificate Review Committee.

​​​Committee Structure​

2 Administrators by position: Senior Dean, Curriculum and Educational Support Services and Senior Dean, Liberal Arts and Sciences
4 Faculty appointed by the Academic Senate, at least one from a Career/Technical field and at least two counselors whenever possible
2 Classified by position: Curriculum Technician; Articulation Officer

Membership Total: 8

​​Committee Roster​

Name Type Name Type
Josh Adams (Co-Chair A* Nicole Frantz (Co-Chair) F
Brad Davis  A* Kate Blackwell C*
MJ Papa
F Hollie Tracy F
Chris Grant F Chas Crocker C*
* Permanent Member by Position:
  • Dean, Curriculum and Educational Support Services
  • Dean, Workforce Development
  • Curriculum Technician
  • Articulation Officer

​​Committee Roster Legend​

Type​ ​Description
A Administration
F​ Faculty
C Classified
S Student
P Public​

​​​​Committee Agendas

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​​​Committee Minutes

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​​​Other Committee Documents