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Doyle library at Santa Rosa Junior College.

​​​Committee Chair​

Tri-chairs, Permanent by postion

​​​Meeting Schedule​

​​2nd and 4th Monday each month 1:30pm-3:00pm

​​Committee Function​

​The PBC integrates the College’s Planning and Budget allocation processes, with a focus on ensuring that the College’s budgetary resources and planning processes support the College’s Mission. The PBC:
  1. Facilitates the College’s strategic planning process
    • Facilitates creation of the Strategic Plan (Mission, Vision, Values, Goals, and Objectives);
    • Monitors progress on Strategic Plan goals via key performance indicators;
    • Annually reviews Strategic Plan and initiates cycle of revision as needed.
  2. Reviews Institutional Plans, evaluates relevant key performance indicators and disaggregated learning outcome data, and makes recommendations to support continuous improvement of quality educational programs and services and achievement of the College’s Mission.  
  3. Reviews Accreditation reports, evaluates progress on the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report Quality Focus Essay goals, and integrates Accreditation recommendations into Planning goals, decisions, and Budget allocation;
  4. Initiates and oversees the Program and Resource Planning Process (PRPP), and reviews and approves the prioritized PRPP requests to ensure alignment with Mission, Vision, and Values;
  5. Reviews Annual Unit Plans to ensure alignment and integration with the Mission, Vision, and Values articulated in the Strategic Plan; and receives reports on Unit Plan progress toward stated objectives and goals;
  6. Provides institutional review of and recommends resource allocation to support new academic programs, majors, and certificates recommended by the Academic Senate, and new student services program;
  7. Reviews outcomes of Program Review process (Policy 3.6/P), including recommendations for program revitalization and discontinuance, and recommends resource adjustments as needed;
  8. Invites, reviews, and prioritizes Area and College-wide project proposals to support goal achievement, learning outcomes, and Accreditation recommendations; facilitates development of recommended projects by ensuring appropriate constituency group involvement; and recommends allocation of resources for developing approved proposals;
  9. Reviews and, as necessary and appropriate, recommends revisions to key budget, financial, and planning process documents, including:
    • The Planning and Budget Framework;
    • Planning Calendar;
    • Annual Financial and Audit Reports;
    • Budget Calendar; and
    • Budget Assumptions
  10. Advises the President's Cabinet on the decision to apply for grants, based on an assessment of resources required and the relevance of the grant to District Mission, Vision, Values and Goals, and ensuring consultation with or consideration of appropriate constituency groups;
  11. Receives annual training on Budget, Institutional Planning, and purviews;
  12. Invites appropriate subject-matter experts to provide information that supports the Council’s deliberation and decision-making; and
  13. Maintains transparency by posting Council minutes and agendas, and providing updates on planning and budget items to the College community.

​​​Committee Structure​​

​9 Administrator
8 Faculty
5 Classified
2 Students
1 Trustee

Membership Total: 25

​​Committee Roster​

Name ​Type ​Name ​Type
Jeremy Smotherman ​A* John Stover ​F*
Kate Jolley ​A* Anne Donegan


Robert Holcomb
​A* Sara Jones​ F
​Molly Senecal ​A* Dawn Lukas ​F
​Theresa Richmond ​A* Siobhan McGregor-Gordon F​
Angélica Garcia ​ ​A*^Eve Miller ​F
​Whitney Schultz ​A*^
Nick Perrone ​F
​Benjamin Goldstein

​Kim Starke


Sandy Sigala

​Maggie Fishman
​Ex-officio Linda Jay ​C*
​Ruben Garcia
​S ​Patty Collis ​C
​Anthony Spinozzi ​S ​Malena Hernandez Legorreta
Shannon O'Reilly ​C
VP, Finance & Admin.*
VP, Academic Affairs*
VP, Student Services*   
VP, Human Resources*
Trustee *^
President *^
Director, Finance *^
Academic Affairs Dean^
Student Services Dean ^

AS President*
AFA President*

CS President*
SEIU President*

*Permanent member by position
† Tri-chair

​​Committee Roster Legend​

Type​ ​Description
A Administration​
F Faculty
C Classified
S Student
P Public​

​​Committee Agendas​

09.23.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
09.09.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
05.13.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
04.22.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
04.08.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
03.25.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
03.11.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
02.26.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
01.22.24 PBC Agenda.pdf
11.27.23 PBC Agenda.pdf
1 - 10Next

​​Committee Minutes​

09.09.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
05.13.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
04.22.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
04.08.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
03.25.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
03.11.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
02.26.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
01.22.24 PBC Minutes.pdf
11.27.23 PBC Minutes.pdf
11.13.23 PBC Minutes.pdf
1 - 10Next

​​​Other Committee Documents​

10+1 (Academic Senate for CCC).pdf
2021 311 final.pdf
2021-22 Budget Calendar for PBC.PDF
202122 P1 320 cert report.pdf
22 Budget Book Final for BOT.pdf
9 + 1 (Student Senate for CCC).pdf
ACCJC's June 2021 Response.pdf
Accreditation Update PBC 03.14.22.pdf
Budget 101a.pdf
Classified Senate rights (CCC Classified Senate).pdf
1 - 10Next